Welcome to the Buzz Blog

Testing Week is here.
Testing this week. Please make sure you read the Testing Plan, and help us provide a quiet, respectful testing environment for our students.
Photo Sharing- if you have any pictures to share, please put them on the shared drive. If you go in the staff shared folder, then open the "Grade Level Photos" folder, there are six folders there labeled by grade level. This is especially true if you have any photos of the Fifth Graders. We want to try to do a slideshow for the end of the year celebration.
Year books will be delivered on 6/10
June 6: Day 3-B Week
3rd LTM, 5th Gym
4 and 5 Math Test
Staff Dress Down
June 9: Day 4-B Week
4th LTM, 2nd Gym
4 A's Award Winners
June 10: Day 5-B Week
5th LTM, 1st Gym
4th Quarter AR Celebration AM, Time: TBD
PBIS Water Day
June 11: Day 6-B Week
K LTM, 4th Gym
K-2 Awards Day Gym 12:30 PM
June 12: Day 1-A Week
1st LTM, 3rd Gym
3-4 Awards Day Gym 9 AM
5th Grade Awards Gym 11:30 AM
June 13: Day 2-A Week
2nd LTM, K Gym
Staff v. Students Kickball AM
Staff v. Students Kickball PM
PBIS Corner
Water Day is coming.
http://star3lessonplanning.weebly.com/* Star 3 lesson planner link from 8/21 workshop
*Donors Choose website-- get funding for your great ideas
*Check out this interesting article about teaching boys:
The Newseum has free lesson plans for teachers: check it out
Global Education Resources:
http://www.globaleducation.edu.au/global-education/what-is-global-ed.html- awesome site from Austrailia with pictures, connections and Case Studies.NEA Global Resources- outstanding
Edutopia Education Everywhere Page: Videos, Articles and more:
Peace Corp
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