Welcome to the Speas Global Elementary Blog!
Our Mission: It is the mission of Speas Elementary School to provide its students with the tools necessary to successfully meet the challenges they will face in a diverse world.
To increase English Language Arts achievement by 10%To increase Mathematics achievement by 10%
To increase Science Achievement by 10%
Specialists will begin holding ISS in their respective areas on their assigned days. The schedule is below. Teachers, specialists may be contacting you for work for students assigned to ISS. Please get them work as soon as possible.
Room 213
Teachers: Having Trouble with Defiant Students? Have you tried these strategies?

Ideas to try, now that testing is over:
Kindergarten will meet in the gym for a short assembly this morning.
3rd, 4th, and 5th grades, the 4 A assembly is this afternoon at 1:30.
5th Grade trip is this morning
***For all technology issues, please follow these steps in order to submit a SchoolDude ticket. Mr. McMasters will receive this ticket and be able to work on resolving the issue as quickly as possible. Tickets take priority so please enter a ticket for the technology issue that you have. If you have any questions on how to do this, please see Mr. McMasters. Thank you!
To submit a ticket…on either the WSFCS homepage or the Speas homepage, click on “User Options” in the top right of the screen --> “SCHOOL DUDE requests --> Click “IT request” tab --> fill out request and click submit. ***
We have a Speas Symbaloo page.
http://www.symbaloo.com/home/mix/13eOcMEZPT#email: djjohnson@wsfcs.k12.nc.us
pass: speasbees2014
Please email us with your favorite educator sites so we can create a huge selection of online resources.
SMOD Tickets (dress code violations) are located in the workroom. Please keep the bottom portion for your own records as a way to keep track of the number of violations. The continuum is as follows:
1st offense: verbal warning, and letter will be sent home to be signed. Parent or guardian notified of violation
2nd offense: Teacher notifies parent or guardian and student is removed from class until proper SMOD is delivered.
(Teachers, we all should be enforcing this, it will only work if we all enforce it).
Holidays Around the World
4a's assembly AM
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RTA Retest, PBIS Water Day, 3rd grade teachers stay after to edit answer sheets
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Awards Day 8-830 K1, 8:45 2-4, Staff v. Students Soccer 10 AM, BBall 1 PM
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5th Grade Ceremony
Holidays Around the World
Monday | Jun 8 | Queen's Birthday | Australia |
Monday | Jun 8 | Corpus Christi | Colombia, Venezuela |
Today in World History |
Today in History
June 8
June 8
452 | Attila the Hun invades Italy. | |
632 | Mohammed, the founder of Islam and unifier of Arabia, dies. | |
793 | The Vikings raid the Northumbrian coast of England. | |
1861 | Tennessee votes to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy. | |
1862 | The Army of the Potomac defeats Confederate forces at Battle of Cross Keys, Virginia. | |
1863 | Residents of Vicksburg flee into caves as General Ulysses S. Grant’s army begins shelling the town. | |
1866 | Prussia annexes the region of Holstein. | |
1904 | U.S. Marines land in Tangiers, Morocco, to protect U.S. citizen. | |
1908 | King Edward VII of England visits Czar Nicholas II of Russia in an effort to improve relations between the two countries. | |
1915 | William Jennings Bryan quits as Secretary of State under President Wilson. | |
1953 | The Supreme Court forbids segregated lunch counters in Washington, D.C. | |
1965 | President Johnson authorizes commanders in Vietnam to commit U.S. ground forces to combat. | |
1966 | Gemini astronaut Gene Cernan attempts to become the first man to orbit the Earth untethered to a space capsule, but is unable to when he exhausts himself fitting into his rocket pack. | |
1967 | Israel airplanes attack the USS Liberty, a surveillance ship, in the Mediterranean, killing 34 Navy crewmen. | |
1968 | James Earl Ray, the alleged assassin of Martin Luther King, Jr., is captured at the London Airport. | |
1969 | President Richard Nixon meets with President Thieu of South Vietnam to tell him 25,000 U.S. troops will pull out by August. | |
1995 | U.S. Air Force pilot Captain Scott O’Grady is rescued by U.S. Marines in Bosnia. | |
Born on June 8
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1625 | Giovanni Domenico Cassini, astronomer. | |
1724 | John Smeaton, English engineer. | |
1810 | Robert Schumann, German composer. | |
1813 | David D. Porter, Union admiral during the American Civil War. | |
1867 | Frank Lloyd Wright, influential American architect. | |
1916 | Francis Crick, British scientist who co-discoverered of the structure of DNA. | |
1918 | Robert Preston, actor (The Music Man). | |
1925 | Barbara Pierce Bush, First Lady to 41st President, George Bush. | |
1939 | Herb Adderley, American football player. | |
1942 | Andrew Weil, physician and author (Spontaneous Healing). | |
1947 | Sara Paretsky, detective novelist. |
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