Friday, May 29, 2015

June 1, 2015

Welcome to the Speas Global Elementary Blog!
All staff members, let's make sure we are teaching, reteaching, and teaching again the procedures in the common areas (Hallway, Cafeteria, Bathrooms, Playground, Bus).  We should be giving out lots of Bee's for students demonstrating the basic expectations.  It is a good idea to review the procedures before you leave one area to travel to another area.  

Our Mission: It is the mission of Speas Elementary School to provide its students with the tools necessary to successfully meet the challenges they will face in a diverse world.
To increase English Language Arts achievement by 10%
To increase Mathematics achievement by 10%
To increase Science Achievement by 10%

Check out this graphic about global education.  The things above water are just the tip of the iceberg.   Try to go deeper in your instruction and touch some of the issues below the surface.

Specialists will begin holding ISS in their respective areas on their assigned days.  The schedule is below.  Teachers, specialists may be contacting you for work for students assigned to ISS.  Please get them work as soon as possible.   

Room 213

Teachers: Having Trouble with Defiant Students?  Have you tried these strategies?

Procrastination is the enemy of innovation.

I saw this prompt.  I thought I would share it.  It could be modified for almost any grade level.


Have a wonderful Monday!

***For all technology issues, please follow these steps in order to submit a SchoolDude ticket. Mr. McMasters will receive this ticket and be able to work on resolving the issue as quickly as possible. Tickets take priority so please enter a ticket for the technology issue that you have. If you have any questions on how to do this, please see Mr. McMasters. Thank you!

To submit a ticket…on either the WSFCS homepage or the Speas homepage, click on “User Options” in the top right of the screen --> “SCHOOL DUDE requests --> Click “IT request” tab --> fill out request and click submit. ***

We have a Speas Symbaloo page.

pass: speasbees2014

Please email us with your favorite educator sites so we can create a huge selection of online resources.  

All staff members, let's make sure we are teaching, reteaching, and teaching again the procedures in the common areas (Hallway, Cafeteria, Bathrooms, Playground, Bus).  We should be giving out lots of Bee's for students demonstrating the basic expectations.  It is a good idea to review the procedures before you leave one area to travel to another area.  

SMOD Tickets (dress code violations) are located in the workroom.  Please keep the bottom portion for your own records as a way to keep track of the number of violations.  The continuum is as follows:

1st offense: verbal warning, and letter will be sent home to be signed.  Parent or guardian notified of violation

2nd offense: Teacher notifies parent or guardian and student is removed from class until proper SMOD is delivered.

(Teachers, we all should be enforcing this, it will only work if we all enforce it).


EOG Sci 5

EOG Sci 5

EOG Makeups

RTA/EOG Makeups; 3rd grade teachers afterschool for bubble party




3rd grade teachers stay after to edit answer sheets


Holidays Around the World
MondayJun 1Children's DayArmenia
MondayJun 1Western Australia DayAustralia
MondayJun 1Children's DayChina
MondayJun 1Orthodox Pentecost MondayCyprus
MondayJun 1Whit MondaySpain
MondayJun 1Holy Spirit MondayGreeceRomaniaUkraine
MondayJun 1June Bank HolidayIreland
MondayJun 1Madaraka DayKenya
MondayJun 1International Children's DayMoldova
MondayJun 1Queen's BirthdayNew Zealand
MondayJun 1Children's DayRomania
MondayJun 1Vesak DaySingapore
MondayJun 1Visakha BuchaThailand
MondayJun 1Jefferson Davis BirthdayUnited States
Today in World History

June 1
193 The Roman emperor, Marcus Didius, is murdered in his palace.
1533 Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's new queen, is crowned.
1774 The British government orders the port of Boston closed.
1789 The first U.S. congressional act on administering oaths becomes law.
1812 American navy captain James Lawrence, mortally wounded in a naval engagement with the British, exhorts to the crew of his vessel, the Chesapeake, "Don't give up the ship!"
1862 General Robert E. Lee assumes command of the Confederate army outside Richmond after General Joe Johnston is injured at Seven Pines.
1864 The Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia, begins as Confederate general Robert E. Lee tries to turn Union general Ulysses S. Grant's flank.
1868 James Buchanan, the 15th president of the United States, dies.
1877 U.S. troops are authorized to pursue bandits into Mexico.
1915 Germany conducts the first zeppelin air raid over England.
1916 The National Defense Act increases the strength of the U.S. National Guard by 450,000 men.
1921 A race riot erupts in Tulsa, Oklahoma, killing 85 people.
1939 The Douglas DC-4 makes its first passenger flight from Chicago to New York.
1941 The German Army completes the capture of Crete as the Allied evacuation ends.
1942 America begins sending Lend-Lease materials to the Soviet Union.
1958 Charles de Gaulle becomes premier of France.
1963 Governor George Wallace vows to defy an injunction ordering integration of the University of Alabama.
1978 The U.S. reports finding wiretaps in the American embassy in Moscow.
Born on June 1
1563 Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury.
1801 Brigham Young, American religious leader.
1814 Philip Kearney, Union general.
1831 John B. Hood, Confederate general.
1878 John Masefield, English poet.
1898 Molly Picon, comic actress and singer.
1901 John van Druten, English playwright (I am a Camera).
1926 Marilyn Monroe (born Norma Jean Mortenson, later Norma Jean Baker), film actress and icon.
1932 Christopher Lasch, American social critic and writer.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 28, 2015

Welcome to the Speas Global Elementary Blog!
All staff members, let's make sure we are teaching, reteaching, and teaching again the procedures in the common areas (Hallway, Cafeteria, Bathrooms, Playground, Bus).  We should be giving out lots of Bee's for students demonstrating the basic expectations.  It is a good idea to review the procedures before you leave one area to travel to another area.  

Our Mission: It is the mission of Speas Elementary School to provide its students with the tools necessary to successfully meet the challenges they will face in a diverse world.
To increase English Language Arts achievement by 10%
To increase Mathematics achievement by 10%
To increase Science Achievement by 10%

Check out this graphic about global education.  The things above water are just the tip of the iceberg.   Try to go deeper in your instruction and touch some of the issues below the surface.

Specialists will begin holding ISS in their respective areas on their assigned days.  The schedule is below.  Teachers, specialists may be contacting you for work for students assigned to ISS.  Please get them work as soon as possible.   

Room 213

Teachers: Having Trouble with Defiant Students?  Have you tried these strategies?

Our jobs may get hectic as we try to close out the year strong.   Here are some things to remember about what we may call disrespect or defiant behavior:

Although the jury may still be out on the optimal type of enrichment mindset for those working with kids in poverty, we do know for certain that the following extremes will NOT work:
ÒFocusing only on the basics (drill and kill)
ÒMaintaining order through a show of force
ÒEliminating or reducing time for arts, sports and physical education
ÒIncreasing and intensifying classroom discipline
ÒDecreasing interaction among students
ÒInstalling metal detectors

ÒDelivering more heavy-handed top-down lectures

Nor does it work to pity kids raised in poverty and assume that their background dooms them to failure.  The first approach is simplistic and narrow-minded and the second approach is elitist, defeatist, and quite often classist or racist.  What works is ta acknowledge that the human brain is designed to change from experiences that if we design enough high-quality experiences, over time we will get positive change.
High-poverty, high-achieving schools share a number of characteristics including:
ÒDedication to diversity and equity
ÒEmphasis on reading skills
ÒHigh expectations
ÒOngoing data collection and formative assessments
ÒOrderly climate
ÒRegular assessment of student progress combined with feedback and remediation
ÒRegular teacher-parent communication
High-poverty, high-achieving schools share a number of characteristics including:
ÒShared mission and goals
ÒStrategic assignment of staff
ÒStrong focus on student achievement
ÒStructure (including student goals and class management)
ÒSupport for teaching influence (paraprofessionals)
ÒTeachers’ acceptance of the role they play in student success or failure
ÒUnequivocal focus on academic achievement
with a no-excuses mind-set
ÒUse of assessment data to improve student achievement
 and instruction


school day ice cream
photo credit: photopin (license)
The school year is filled with testing, report cards, and many other hurdles that make it exceedingly difficult. Don’t allow another year to pass without some completely out-of-the-box behavior.
You never know when crossing a few old-school boundaries may change a student’s or a colleague’s life, while bringing the joy back to your teaching.
Math Testing today.  Please, follow all testing procedures.  Thanks for all you do!

Based on when some groups finish, K, 2nd, and 1st grade may either have to have silent lunch or they can take lunch back to classrooms.  We are testing in the media center and 2 other sites in that building and it gets too loud in the cafeteria.  We will let you all know.  Thanks for your understanding.  

More testing humor....I do apologize for these.

***For all technology issues, please follow these steps in order to submit a SchoolDude ticket. Mr. McMasters will receive this ticket and be able to work on resolving the issue as quickly as possible. Tickets take priority so please enter a ticket for the technology issue that you have. If you have any questions on how to do this, please see Mr. McMasters. Thank you!

To submit a ticket…on either the WSFCS homepage or the Speas homepage, click on “User Options” in the top right of the screen --> “SCHOOL DUDE requests --> Click “IT request” tab --> fill out request and click submit. ***

We have a Speas Symbaloo page.

pass: speasbees2014

Please email us with your favorite educator sites so we can create a huge selection of online resources.  

All staff members, let's make sure we are teaching, reteaching, and teaching again the procedures in the common areas (Hallway, Cafeteria, Bathrooms, Playground, Bus).  We should be giving out lots of Bee's for students demonstrating the basic expectations.  It is a good idea to review the procedures before you leave one area to travel to another area.  

SMOD Tickets (dress code violations) are located in the workroom.  Please keep the bottom portion for your own records as a way to keep track of the number of violations.  The continuum is as follows:

1st offense: verbal warning, and letter will be sent home to be signed.  Parent or guardian notified of violation

2nd offense: Teacher notifies parent or guardian and student is removed from class until proper SMOD is delivered.

(Teachers, we all should be enforcing this, it will only work if we all enforce it).


EOG Math; 3,4,5 teachers stay afterschool for bubble party

EOG Makeups

EOG Sci 5

EOG Sci 5

EOG Makeups

RTA/EOG Makeups; 3rd grade teachers afterschool for bubble party




3rd grade teachers stay after to edit answer sheets


Holidays Around the World
ThursdayMay 28Republic DayArmenia
ThursdayMay 28Republic DayAzerbaijan
ThursdayMay 28Derg Downfall DayEthiopia

Today in World History

May 28
585BCA solar eclipse interrupts a battle outside of Sardis in western Turkey between Medes and Lydians. The battle ends in a draw.
1805Napoleon is crowned in Milan, Italy.
1830Congress authorizes Indian removal from all states to the western Prairie.
1863The 54th Massachusetts, a regiment of African-American recruits, leaves Boston, headed for Hilton Head, South Carolina.
1859The French army launches a flanking attack on the Austrian army in Northern France.
1871The Paris commune is suppressed by troops from Versailles.
1900Britain annexes the Orange Free State in South Africa.
1940Belgium surrenders to Germany.
1953Melody, the first animated 3-D cartoon in Technicolor, premiers.
1961Amnesty International, a human rights organization, is founded.
Born on May 28
1759William Pitt the Younger, prime minister of England (1783-1801).
1738Dr. Joseph Ignace Guillotine, French inventor of the execution device which bears his name.
1779Thomas Moore, Irish poet.
1807Jean Agassiz, naturalist and educator.
1818P.G.T. Beauregard, Confederate general during the American Civil War.
1888Jim Thorpe, American athlete.
1908Ian Fleming, British novelist, created the character James Bond.
1910T-Bone Walker, blues guitarist and singer.
1912Patrick White, Australian writer (The Tree of ManThe Eye of the Storm).
1916Walker Percy, writer (The MoviegoerLove in the Ruins).
1918Herb Shriner, radio humorist.
1919May Swenson, poet.
1932Stephen Birmingham, novelist and biographer.
1936Fred Chappell, poet and novelist.
1940Maeve Binchy, Irish writer (Circle of FriendsThe Copper Beach).